Monday, July 28, 2008

Sg Night Fest

I'll be away at Uni-Y Freshmen camp from Monday to Thursday.

I wish I had the time to upload photos but I don't.

On Friday night, my friends and I went to Singapore's First Night Festival! [Before that, I had a cool time with Indra!] Ab, Evan and I walked about, we saw lots of stuff and sat down for 40 mins outside the Singapore Art Museum listening to live performance of Latin-jazz. At 10.30 we sent Evan off cos she doesn't qualify for Beatnik Picnic as she's under 16. At Beatnik, we got together with Reb and Kelly. We left to 'talk' at 12.15am.

At SMU concourse, at 12.20am, we came across a beautiful foozeball table. In the first game, Reb and I won 6-1. Switching partners, in the 2nd game, Kelly and I won 4-3. One game 50 cents for 7 balls.

Then we settled down at Starbucks at The Cathay. I reached home at 2.30am, my latest on my own in a long while.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

A woman can't win a man's heart

In a casual chat with a friend today, he said a woman cannot win a man's heart even though a man can[but may not be successful] win a woman's heart. Out of our conversation, I realised that the way men and women are really wired differently. And not matter what people say about gender equality these days, that women have freedom to pursue the man of their dreams, it's really going to be hard and painful. I learnt something today!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Meet Cherry

I met up with my dear little friend, Cherry [not her real name], in the evening yesterday. It had been more than half a year since I met up with her, an incredibly long time considering we're supposed to be really good friends. We had some of the most hilarious conversations and yet there were sombre moments as well. It must a sign that we're growing up. Here are some snippets of our conversations!

Upon noticing that Cherry has lost quite a lot of weight,
Me: Wow, you've lost weight!
C: Of course, I've been jogging a lot and eating lots of salad.
Me: But I heard that when you lose weight, the first to go are your boobs.
C: [without skipping a beat] But there are always maximizers and I always wear them, they are my life support.


We talked about marriage on a light-hearted tone and Cherry doesn't think she'll get married.
C: I'm going to die an old virgin.
Me: Like real!
C: Hello? What do you mean by that???
Me: If you really would die a virgin, I'll donate a $100,000 to a charity in your name!
C: So cheapskate. [She always calls me that] My virginity worth only $100,000?
Me: Well, if 12 year olds can give theirs away, I think $100,000 is a good deal.
At that we just collapsed laughing. In retrospect, Cherry, I publicly apologise for my poor taste in this joke. It's quite a dark-humoured joke. Sorry, friend.


On the steps of Sky Garden, Cherry laments that we only meet once a year. It's my fault and I've come to believe it's my fault only because she keeps saying it's my fault.
Me: But we used to spend time with each other everyday!
C: [with a really quick reply] And somehow, it grew to be only once a year. How sad is that?
Me: [defensively] But at least, we do email each other.
C: Yeah, your emails only 5 sentences. How are you? How have you been doing?..
Me: That's not true!
C: ... And you always stop after 2 emails. [We both laughed as it's true]
Ok, I was a little speechless after that, because haha, it's quite true. Come on, you need literary stamina to type a 3rd email. [Yes, it's a lame excuse]


We talked about friendship and relationships. I bugged her about this guy who liked her and she liked him. Their relationship ended long ago but I wanted to know more.
Me: I thought he was being a good boyfriend.
C: Excuse me, let me clarify that he was never my boyfriend. He was just an Experience. [do not let your mind run wild, it just means experience of a relationship]
Me: An Experience?? I'll be really sad to know if a guy treated me as an experience!
Our views on relationships are completely polar. Unlike her, one of the first things I look out for in a partner is the willingness to commit. And to take a step further, the end goal, by God's grace, of a courtship should be marriage. This is a big reason why I tell my friends that I am single but not available, because right now, I'm in no state to commit.


That shall be all! Cherry, I promise to call! haha.

Monday, July 21, 2008

About Driving again!

I must be a nutty person. Hmm, maybe I came from a nut. [Well of course not, God fearfully and wonderfully created me!]

I cancelled 6 of my driving lessons. Tomorrow's lesson is still on though. The rest are cancelled. I'm withdrawing my membership because I calculated that 30 lessons would cost me more than 2.2k. Seriously, that's not something I want to put my parents through ie. paying through their teeth for a freaking driving license. And it's not guaranteed that I'll pass!

How did it happened? Out of curiosity, I estimated the cost of 30 lessons, including course fees and GST, I got a number of $2260. I tell you, I was so shocked. My brothers had their lessons from private instructors and had spent no more than $1.2 k. If I go through with this driving school, my parents would think I'm an idiot. I had a discussion with Mum, who agreed that pulling out would be best, even though this means forfeiting my course fees of $160. :(

I'm feel emotionally traumatized and embarrassed. My dad's going to scold me tonight! What doesn't kill you will make you stronger? Yeah right.

My first driving lesson

My cousin, Feng, has left. :(

I had my first driving lesson today in the morning. My instructor, Sam, kept saying, 'Hmm, first lesson usually very relaxed.' Because I'm learning to drive a manual car, I had to learn how to depress clutch fully and then lightly [like really lightly!] depress accelerator and slowly [real slowly!] release clutch. I stalled the car a few times and the car vibrated a bit sometimes.

Sam cheated me of 5 minutes of lesson. I'm being picky about this because one lesson costs about $65 for 1 hour and 40 mins. To all future learner drivers, if you want to learn manual next time, PLEASE DO NOT LEARN FROM SCHOOL, GO GET A PRIVATE INSTRUCTOR!

One thing I need and must learn by the time I go SMU is to learn how to budget my money. Maybe I should go sign up for some financial course on how to be money-wise, but wait, that costs money right?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My house guests

I went cycling at East Coast Park this morning with a friend. Gosh, do not go after 9am. It was pretty hot. A bicycle can be rented for $6 for 2 hours, which i think is a reasonable rate. So I cycled until about 11.15am and when I got off the bike, my legs were really wobbly. The last time I cycled was 2 months ago!

My early afternoon nap was really sweet and deep. So I guess this means exercise will give you a better quality sleep, a good advice to those who suffer from insomnia.

I've got 2 houseguests this week. One's my cousin and the other is his friend. At first, I felt really weird. Although I'm usually not the shy type, it's still awkward. [or maybe it's just me] They're from Sydney. My cousin's friend told me that Singapore is really a straitlaced country ie. can't smoke anywhere, cannot litter, cannot spit etc. He affirmed my suspicion when I asked him if he thinks Singapore is boring. I was sad to hear that! But I agree that Singapore is not for everyone. You have to be someone who is more inclined to rules and payment. I say payment because here, there's nothing you cannot pay for. For a good example, you must pay $180 for using a football field.

Nonetheless, I love Singapore, for its flaws and good points. Where else can you feel pretty safe, eat good food cheaply and count on good governance? Count your blessing, y'all.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


I've got 3 camps to go for in SMU. 3 camps in 3 weeks. How can I survive?

By that, I also mean, I'm now officially a student of SMU, in fact, I've gotten my student card. My picture on it isn't fantastic though. It was funny, as I waited with Amanda (whom I met by chance!) in the phototaking room, to see so many girls shriek upon seeing their photograph on the student card.

Many seniors came up to us and asked, "Excuse me, are you a freshie?" FRESHIE! That's what I am, for now. :D

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I feel so stupid and pissed off with myself. I was so angry that all those well-meaning seniors got a whiff of my cat-iness as I brusquely brushed them off as I quickly made my way home.

Silly me did not find out about Financial Matters so to my horror when I went down to SMU for matriculation, I found out I had to pay $4818. Obviously I dun have that in my bank. My mother gave me her bank account number the night before and told me to tell them to credit everything to it. Ok, well, it doesn't work. Now I have to go back tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

More photos

4 of us in the middle of our Telok Blangah walk
Taking a breather
Henderson Waves. Beautiful huh? Calling all couples to take an evening stroll here.
The view is nice. So unlike the Singapore I thought I knew
Dinner at Downtown East.
Dinner with Doc Cheong.[and janice] She was my Sunday school teacher!!!
4 hours at Settlers, quite evidently tired
We were playing Settlers of Catan. Although it's a not a bad game, don't waste your time on it, unless you like long games and thinking.

Me and Jake.
If you haven't recognized her yet, that's Evan
A very smoky and incomplete zone photo taken at the bbq
Me and Jacinta.
That's me and Hannah, we're 8 years apart. That's Jayden with his cheeky look!

These are just some random photos I felt like showing. It also kinda shows what I've been doing for the past months. When people ask me how am I and what I've been up to, I just feel at a loss of what to say because I don't know exactly what I've been doing.

As you can see, I've gone canoeing and attended a zone bbq. The canoeing was mildly adventurous. Actually, for me, the more physical an activity is, the less I'll enjoy myself because I'm quite the homely person.[with the major exception for blading!] I love those screamy activities like board and card games.

I enjoyed the walk I had with my friends at the Telok Blangah Connector. My next aim is to go for the MacRitchie tree top walk but my cautious Mum doesn't allow me to go alone.
Time is running short and in no time, I'll be at uni.