Friday, June 5, 2009


Place: Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium

Preludiya was the SMU Chamber Choir's fundraising concert today. It wasn't awesome. And I've been analyzing why for a long time. Since our last concert in February, the choir shrank from 29 to 22. I guess I relied too much on the size of our choir last time. Now that it's so small, it's even more important to nail the notes, rhythm and vocal techniques. Underscore the last one. I never really understood that importance until after the concert when in front guests, mistakes made are ever clearer.

Today I get it: It's all for one and one for all.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Monsters VS Aliens

There are probably more than 10 reasons why you'll find this show crappy. Because, it just is. However, do remember it's the summer holidays. Put aside your brain, or mental capacity, and just enjoy this hilarious animation.

Personal verdict: Watch if you have the spare cash.