Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Things I'm inspired to do

Things I wanted to do and will definitely do:
1. Be in a musical
2. Go on a BSM (I'm going on a Business Study Mission to Israel next April!)

Things I wanna try out:
3. Create a tumblr blog for which the blog theme is solely on WALKING WITH GOD.
4. Sign up to help out with some conference event next year. (actually I do have a particular one in mind)
5. Start a Youth Choir in church. This is something I've been chewing on for a number of years already. And every time I think of it, a million objections appear in my mind. When will I just do it?
6. Go for 6 month or summer internship. And possibly chuck the 'must go on exchange' idea.

So many things to do and try. But the one real question is, what would He want me to do? And before I do, let me be. *

* meaning it's more important to develope your being than your doing. :) Agree?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Julie and Julia

If you're thinking, what?? Anna, another movie???

Yeap, are you jealous? If you're from SMU, you might think I'm a terrible project mate cos it's Week 10 *screeeams* and I actually had the mood to watch a movie. Oh well, YOU GO get a life.

Julie and Julia is really two movies pieced to make a sweet concoction. Julie is a young 30 year old hot wife with a hot husband. In the midst of her meaningless life, she decides to throw herself into a cooking project that aims to complete more than 500 french cooking recipes in 365 days. On top of that, she has a full time job. What I loved about her? Her husband! Haha. I was surprised in the middle of the movie to find that the man in her life was not her co-habiting partner but her husband.

Let's talk about Julia. Julia Child teaches us that life begins at 40. You're never too old to imagine great things. That the things you do are not so that you would have NOTHING to do. Well, she does seem a little cuckoo at times, but we should all have cuckoo moments.

Should you watch the movie? Totally if you're a lady and for men, I don't know if it's for you. There's not much action and the entertainment was found in the script and glorious images of the food! OH THE FOOD!

"I know it's not polite to say this.. but yum!"

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Emperor Penguin

As a defence against the cold, a colony of Emperor Penguins forms a compact huddle (also known as the turtle formation) ranging in size from ten to several hundred birds, with each bird leaning forward on a neighbour. Those on the outside tend to shuffle slowly around the edge of the formation, producing a slow churning action, and giving each bird a turn on the inside and the outside.

Pinshow B., Fedak M.A. , Battles D.R, & Schmidt-Nielsen K. (1976) "Energy expenditure for thermoregulation and locomotion in emperor penguins" American Journal of Physiology 231(3): 903–12

God gave us clear instructions to be united, no matter what. He doesn't throw the concept of 'unity' to us and say, 'Go figure it out!' Nope, the evidence of unity can be found in what He has created, penguins being one of them! I hope we can only be humble to learn from their example.

'The goal is for all of them to become one heart and mind -
Just as you, Father, are in me and I in you,
So they might be one heart and mind with us.
Then the world might believe that you, in fact, sent me.
The same glory you gave me, I gave them,
So they'll be unified and together as we are -
I in them and you in me.
Then they'll mature in this oneness,
And give the godless world evidence
That you've sent me and loved them
In the same way you've loved me. '
John 17:20-23 (The Message)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Hectic weekend ahead

This weekend I'm completely booked. I'm fine with busy but only with the right people and the right activities. Not with group mates and projects. Disclaimer: My group mates are fine.

Eunice said that it's better to work with acquaintances for projects. This way, you won't spend too much time talking about everything under the sun except work. "Cos you don't want to see their faces, so you'd quickly chop chop." Interesting perspective. I'm not one to go all out unsure in picking group mates randomly.

I had an audition in school this week for a musical that will be shown next January. I got the callback audition and that's going to take place this Sunday. That also means missing Youth Service and seeing the new youth pastor for the first time. So adults from the 2nd service, I'll see you this Sunday.

It's been a long time since I went for an audition. It's a scary thing! My audition took place at 7pm. My nerves started at 3.30pm. For that few hours, my heart was racing. No kidding. How can performers do this on a regular basis? And auditions are a one-timer. You blow it, that's it. I think I did average, which is not too bad. Musical auditions requires you to sing like a soloist, something I'm trained AGAINST in choir. Ironically, in choir, I get critiqued for not blending in.

I was just looking through my 2007 blog posts. Oh My. 2 things, firstly, I look so different! Secondly, it got me squirmy reading about my JC days and seeing through my eyes how I saw things then. Any stranger who wants to know me quite sufficiently just has to read this blog from the very first post to the last and there you have it, the Profile of Anna. Well, then again, that's more than 240 posts. Good luck with that.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Happy 28th Anniversary, Mum and Dad!

In celebration, my Dad bought my mum a diamond. And I can tell you it's expensive!!!

I asked my Mum, 'So, 28 years already. Any tips for me and Gabriel?' Mum said, 'Must learn to give and take lor.'

Considering that 1/3 of marriages in Singapore end up in divorces, I will definitely take that advice to heart. Well, that depends if God wills for me to marry too!

I watched Defending The Cavemen at SRT yesterday, with Amanda and Julia. It was a solo comedy that took about 1.5 hours. That's a lot of script for one man to memorize! Most parts were funny, but it is after all a solo, it's definitely not easy to engage your audience alone. For the Act I, I wasn't totally paying attention. But Act II was funny! Basically the entire thing was about the differences between men and women. The takeaway point: Men are hunters, they zero in on the hunt and pretty much sees nothing else. Women are the gatherers, they take in the surroundings and every detail. I think I laughed more at the women jokes. There's something very comforting in laughing at your sex.

And I played l4d again yesterday. Someone, please tie up my hands!!

So much work to do. SIGH.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Another week of my very interesting life

Let me go in reverse chronological order:

1. Last night, Abi and I stayed over at Amanda's house. We wanted to celebrate her 20th birthday [Happy birthday, Amanda!!] but come to think of it, we didn't really celebrate officially. We talked a lot, some rubbish some serious. We gave some really funny advice to Abi that traumatized her. I don't think I can say it here, ask her! AND...

We painted our nails!!! I was the manicurist. I purposely bought the multi-purpose base coat+top coat+clear shine polish yesterday. Amanda and Abi are pretty noob when it comes to nail polish. So, usually you have to put one base coat, 2 paint coats and one top coat. That's 4 coats! I painted for their finger nails and my own toe nails. It was so girls' night out. Amanda's mum baked the best banana muffins with chocolate chips. It was the most banana-eey muffin ever, I think they just whacked the bananas mans.

Amanda and Abigail, you girls are my bestest friends. I love you and really appreciate you. You guys give great advice and support. Who needs boys when I have you? :)

2. I watched Funny people with Josh last week, thereby continuing my movie-once-a-week streak. I keep talking abt that because I used to watch movies like once in 3 months. This movie-watching behavior is so new to me. Anyway, we watched it at Illuma Film Garde cinema. There weren't student tickets! It was M18, meaning lotsa F words, and one or two nude scenes. But it was a good movie! Quite draggy, but great script, very sharp and witty. Adam Sandler was awesome.

3. I've been playing l4d. Twice in the last two days. XIAO right? Cos I'm so not that type of girl. I guess you should never put one in a box. Amanda just suggested going for another session of l4d later. NUTS, absolutely. And 8 hours ago, she said she's not going to touch l4d again. [for a long time at least]

Well, ciao. :) Have a great week, y'all!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

True or false

Yesterday, I planned to eat Macs for dinner. Throughout Finance class, I pictured my McChicken, plain, and 1 apple pie. But unexpectedly, I was to eat with a group mate, whom I was going to have a meeting with after dinner anyway. My Mac dinner was dashed; We ate at Koufu. I told him about my Mac dinner plan.

"Why didn't you tell me you wanted Macs?"
"Cos I know you're anti-Mac!"
"How would you know?"
"It's true right?"

How did I know? Call it intuition, whatever. I believe, our physical being and personality can give off huge signals about ourselves. We may not catch all aspects of a person's total-ness, but who can? I don't even understand myself sometimes, only God knows each one of us perfectly. Anyway, I always hear people claim, "I'm different. I'm actually very introvert/extrovert. Most people don't realise this certain thing about me" And so on. Really? I think FEW people are difficult to read. These few people are often either in a world of their own or have a damn high self-monitoring disposition. [that's an MPW term!]

Anyway, my friend and I played a game during dinner. We are to make observations of each other by saying quite specific statements which are either true or false. A true statement earns you one point. The first to 5 points win. I kept shooting off statements like, 'You like your poodle more than your golden retriever [false]', '60% of your T shirts are white. [false]', 'You were from a sports cca in JC [true]'... In any case, I lost. My friend came up with much fewer statements about me, but they were more accurate.

'You are close to your parents.' True.
'You hate soft toys.' I declared that this is not counted cos many girls feel that way at my age.
'You don't wear dresses' Generally true.
'You never had a boyfriend.' True. I'm still trying to figure how he came to this conclusion.

I can't remember the last one. I really should have won.