Sunday, January 16, 2011

At Monterrey, Mexico


It's now 15th January, I'm not sure about you but the blogger in me is wondering where the heck I've been. Well, I'm now in Monterrey, Mexico, for an exchange programme at the Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey.

Ever since I started making videos, (ok, only 2 AA episodes and one FB vid), I kinda stopped having the inclination to blog. Some people can vlog, blog, tweet and FB status-whore (I mean that as a verb) all the time! But I can't. How many emotional outlets do you need??

Right now, at Tec, I've met several people. It's a lie when people say they immediately settle down into a big party of 5 months during exchange. For me, I took several days to really settle down. First was the physical settling down: I had to learn how to sleep with a room mate. Living with your best friend as a roomie is as good as it can get, but for me, I've slept alone for 10 years. I'm an extremely light sleeper, and the initial wave of homesickness kept me awake for many nights. But with a lot of prayer, that worst part is finally over! So wanna give God all the glory, cos now's the part when things start to fall in place.

I've become good friends with 2 SG guys and got to know better 2 Germans (a man and a lady). For all the other international students, it's still more on a hi and bye basis. Today, we got to know a guy from HK as well. It's was really nice just sitting at JW & XK's place just yakking away with him.

The past 2 nights, Amanda and I got back home at 3am. Nope, we didn't go to parties. We were just invited to friends' places to have drinks and just talk. I mean, there's really a lot of talking and exchange of culture! So far, it's really more of a German-SG exchange though. LOL.

As for school so far, as an exchange student, I'm just going to take it easy. All the Tec students are so bright and hardworking. But I'm all prepared to skip class for necessary travelling. The school allows exchange students to miss up to 3 weeks worth of classes, beyond that, you would fail the course. 3 weeks leh!!! We have 2 long weekends, so probably we'll take Friday's off in those weeks? ;)

The language barrier is killing me. But I'm determined to learn some EspaƱol! (Spanish) I would be a total loser if I don't give it my best shot. Guess what? My basic spanish textbook is totally in spanish. It's so WTH you know. If the entire textbook of BASIC SPANISH is in spanish, how am I supposed to learn spanish? Currently, I type in the words into google translate to understand the text. But that's uber tedious.

I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. Firstly there'll be church in the late morning. Can't wait to sing some praises to God. Then our host family will be bringing us to a mall! *Shopping!!!* Dad, if you're reading this, please note that you'll be receiving some bills at the end of the month from OCBC! HEHE. And in the evening, we'll probably be barbecuing at the Germans' nice big house. (Well, they're the ones with the Euro) So yup! Until the next post, nos vemos! (pronounced: nose b-air-moss, meaning see you again)