Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Commission Ball
On Saturday, my friend kindly asked me to be his date for his comms ball. I debated if I should go or not cos I had a marketing meeting! I decided to ditch my meeting in the evening. It was pretty worth it, quite fun. You can imagine that everyone was a photo whore, especially the newly comissioned officers. In a large room full of strangers, with my friend running around taking pictures, I really had to socialize with people I didn't know. I met many SMU-to-be officers and as usual, I scared them with stories of meetings and mugging. But from me, you'll most probably get the sunniest and cheeriest aspect on SMU cos I'm biased.
My opening line? "hi, I'm Anna, first year student at SMU. What I study? Doing a double degree in business and accountancy." Must have said this 20 times. I need to be more original.