Sunday, April 27, 2008

Love and Submission

Have you ever wondered why the Bible instructs husbands to love their wives and wives to submit to husbands? [Eph 5] I can understand why husbands are told to love their wives but why aren't wives told to love their husbands, but only to submit?

After chewing on that thought for a while, I then decided that maybe it's because God has made women in such a way that she can easily love her husband. I guess you can say it's true that women are more emotional then and are more giving of their feelings. But while she loves her husband, she may not see submission as a form of love and God only knows that a continual assertion of will and independence pretty much destroys a marriage.

Men [!], on the other hand, obviously need that reminder from God to love their wives. Women's most common complaint is that they don't feel loved. Whenever my Dad gives my Mum an expensive gift, my Mum would be so nice to him for like a long time after that. Haha. So men, love your wives if you want to be treated like a king!

Someone candidly asked me, "Anna, do you think you can submit to your husband in future?" It's a good question since I've got a strong choleric personality. [For reference, google Personality Plus] But I thank God that I've been indoctrinated on the submission of wives since a young age otherwise if I were to hear a new message on this topic, I'll completely flip. I wish I could blog more but I really have to go offline now.